Mary McAleese response to James Martin and the Synod

My response today to James Martin’s article in yesterday’s America magazine

“The final Synod report is one big wordy yawn signifying absolutely nothing, so much nothing it is not worth the Pope’s while to issue a post synodal exhortation. Nothing to see here, folks. Not one single thing has shifted even marginally. There is nothing in the report that could not have been written in a half day by CDF before the synodal circus started.

The Magisterial Church is now on course to bore the faithful to death peddling this awful trite protectionist waffle every word designed to avoid acknowledging the full God ordained equality of all Church members. 

The outcome reminds me of a recent two year diocesan synod in Ireland the main recommendation of which was that there should be a cup of tea after mass. It has more merit than the final report of the Synod on Synodality. 

Anyone who thinks this will energise the faithful to new levels of ecclesial engagement and commitment is deluded. Only a Church committed to equality can do that and the Catholic Church is manifestly not yet that. Will it ever be? Can we be bothered to wait and see? I hear a resounding “no” forming in the hearts and minds of all those who believe in a liberating God and not a self protecting Magisterium”

Mary McAleese

28 October 2024 

1 thought on “Mary McAleese response to James Martin and the Synod”

  1. Beverley Turello

    I had no expectations of anything else. At the end of a very lengthy so called synodal process here in Australia by the Assembly of Bishops there was a portal for ordinary people to provide feedback. Only 250 characters allowed.
    My submission:
    “If Jesus had only 250 words what would he say?
    In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.
    And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.
    Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.
    But anyone who is the downfall of one of these little ones who have faith in me would be better drowned in the depths of the sea with a great millstone round his neck. Matthew 18
    A question for the synod. Does the clerical structure of the church, priests, bishops and cardinals, want to be vulnerable, powerless, and humble like a child?
    Those of us sitting in the pews watching all of these conferences, councils and now synods are wondering why we are still here. We are tired.
    I have read all accompanying documents and participated with feedback whenever called upon. From the summaries and recommendations provided so far I am not sure there is anyone listening with the openness of a child. Acting upon and living the Gospels is required.
    We in the pews are passing on the teachings of Jesus to our families but they are not sitting in church with us. Because, they say, it is not their church.
    They have witnessed children hurt by abuse, discrimination, abandonment, poverty, and predators. They are standing with Jesus in the light and walking His way of truth, justice and love. Their families and friends are their church. They are breaking bread together. Caring for each other and their planet.
    We are proud of them living the Gospels.
    They are not lost. The clerical church is lost. Hopefully the good shepherd will find you.”

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