our ecumenical EVENT which took place in october 2023
If the people of God will lead, eventually the leaders will follow…’
– Sr Joan Chittister
one of 8 young organisers of offen.katholisch,
Produced by Amstadd videographers. Visit if you require similar services.
For the present, progress can only come from the grass roots, from people like yourself. We are the emerging Church. Networked! So let’s keep sharing our stories.
‘Until we raise a common voice we will not only not be heard, we will not even be listened to’ – Sr Joan Chittister

our stories
115 Voices from across the world, telling it like it is.
Spirit Unbounded is humbled by the number of people saying, thank you for letting me tell my story. In the RC Church, we’re worldwide – but how often do we really hear each other’s lived experience? From Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, Asia and Europe, over 100 friends voice their stories to share their work and lives with us. Not all are easy to hear.
This is the true meaning of ‘synod’; to hear each other, to walk together.
Many of our stories are harrowing, but all offer hope. We’re the church that hasn’t walked away.
Who took part?
Keynote speakers were Dr. Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland and Canon Lawyer, Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister, one of the world’s foremost spiritual speakers and writers, and Steven Newcomb, Shawnee-Lenape author of ‘Pagans in the Promised Land’ and scholar of the Doctrine of Discovery/Domination – speaking live in Rome and Bristol

Sr Joan Chittister
Sr Joan Chittister, OSB, is one of the most influential religious and social leaders of our time. For over 50 years she has passionately advocated on behalf of peace, human rights, women’s issues, and monastic and church renewal.
A Benedictine sister of Lake Erie, she is an international lecturer and award-winning author of 60 books. An articulate social analyst and influential religious leader, she is courageous, passionate, and a much sought-after speaker, commentator, counsellor and clear voice across all religions.

Dr Mary McAleese
Dr Mary McAleese was two term President of Ireland from 1997 to 2011. The theme of her presidency was Building Bridges and working for peace and reconciliation. She is a leading critic of Catholic Church teaching on among other things, women, homosexuality, Church members’ human rights, children’s rights, corporal punishment, church governance and episcopal accountability. Broadcaster and academic lawyer, she has a licentiate and doctorate in Canon Law.

Steven Newcomb
Steven T. Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape) is a scholar, educator, author and film producer focusing on inter-generational trauma, cultural survival. Newcomb is co-founder and director of the Indigenous Law Institute and director of Original Nations Advocates. He is internationally recognized for his more than three decades of research and writing on the Vatican papal bulls of the fifteenth century. His primary focus is the theological doctrine now commonly known as the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and Domination.

From South Africa, Germany, USA, Nigeria, India, Aotearoa New Zealand, UK, Kenya, Ireland, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Australia, Pakistan, Brazil, Philippines, Czech Republic, and Italy
‘Human Rights in the Catholic Church’ 8-14 October 2023 bravely explored those human rights denied to Catholics and the underlying reasons. The hierarchical model is broken. And yet the Spirit is unbounded.
Dive into our beautifully programmed and presented videos for an educational opportunity of a life-time and a festival of hope with activists, thinkers, poets, musicians and ordinary Christians.
We are diverse. Small, huge, established or new, one thing unites us. Spirit Unbounded.
See all of us here.