Author name: Marie Venner

Is the Vatican noticing requests to be “debaptized” and understanding the significance?

La Croix tells us this week that confreres in Belgium are requesting to be “debaptized”. One wonders if our hierarchs in the Vatican are hearing this with ears that can hear and seeing with eyes that can see. It may sound radical but those requesting this are not necessarily radical. They are speaking to the […]

Is the Vatican noticing requests to be “debaptized” and understanding the significance? Read More »

Adopting a better understanding of a key gospel phrase that occurs over 140 times: something much more egalitarian, liberating and empowering

Language dictates and limits consciousness. Language controls our lives to a far greater degree than most of us are aware. A new language is often necessary to move us in the direction of new possibilities…The tendency to short-circuit this foundational meaning (of the term “kin(g)dom of God”- of broad scope and complex significance – has

Adopting a better understanding of a key gospel phrase that occurs over 140 times: something much more egalitarian, liberating and empowering Read More »

Happy Epiphany!

Please share your traditions from around the world anytime! Send those to with “for blog” in the subject line. We give thanks for all of you, and especially Mary Heaney and Eileen Reynolds today, who shared the link and picture below. Eileen’s cousin Letrim said “Yes this day was always called Nollaig Na MBan

Happy Epiphany! Read More »

Pope Francis said not to treat migrants as hot potatoes — let’s not treat anyone that way in a church where “tutti, tutti, tutti” are welcome

Where there are open wounds, there are open questions. And there are plenty of open wounds in members of the church, wounds from which the life blood of the church is haemorrhaging. A church that would aspire to be a field hospital needs to address these wounds and take responsibility for inflicting them. This applies

Pope Francis said not to treat migrants as hot potatoes — let’s not treat anyone that way in a church where “tutti, tutti, tutti” are welcome Read More »